Stop using the red flags of flirtation in your marriage (by. B. Gregory)

Stop using the red flags of flirtation in your marriage
Being selfish and egocentrism may be one of the main reason some people misunderstand the effect of the flirtation. I also think the manner we were educated may influence in that attitude, however my understanding about this sacred commandment ´´to be one flesh´´ constitute my Northern to face that situation, I am not exonerated to find me in a situation that may affect my marriage, if I am not nurturing the fondness of my relationship continuously.
Flirtation can lead to infidelity and destroy a marriage like a woodworm. Laura presented a Formula that I find interesting to explain the result of the slippery slope to disaster that is the sum of vulnerability, opportunity and one dumb decision. When a marriage face dissatisfaction, financial pressures, stress, lack of mental, emotional and physical boundaries those situation or behaviors constitute the vulnerability of that relationship, but this couple more often use his/her workplace, social media, conventions to escape them that may create a certain opportunity to flirting, fantasizing, dressing provocative, texting, being alone with your opposite sex you feel attracted to or seeking opportunities to be together. Therefore, one way to prevent a disaster is reducing our vulnerability, that I think the Seven Principles Gottman provided in his book may be a great instrument to achieve that.
In my opinion our parenthood can help our children become resilience to be prepared for those issues. My wife and I make sure to synchronize the manner we educated our children, we support each other in our decision making, perhaps one of us may be wrong in our actuation, but we never disputed each other decision towards our children to create confusion. We also strive to help them never become addicted to any approbation. More often the flirtation takes relevant when the couple face some situation, which may be emotional, intimacy and others; instead to communicate to his/her spouse about the issue, the resentful couple or the offender prefer involved a new partner, worse when this new one is an opposite sex. I find interesting what Gottman says, ´´A crucial goal of any marriage, therefore, is to create an atmosphere that encourages each person to talk honestly about his or her convictions.´´
 I also recognize when you feel afraid to talk about your wife or respond to our opposite sex about your marriage, it may constitute a red flag. In my own case, I have a great esteem for my wife, she is my priority in all I do and will do. When I have conversation with my opposite sex, I am not afraid to mention those qualities and attributes that characterize my wife; she is my reference to talk about fidelity, virtue, kindness, comprehension, responsibility, service, love, I often find those qualities that fix to her. Therefore, after each conversation I may have to my opposite sex I felt my relationship became stronger and regenerated. Before I got married, in a conversation I had with my wife, I asked her, ´´Are you jealous? Three times, twice she responded negatively, but the third time I formulated my question, she responded, ´´until you do not do something that will provoke it´´ It could be not wise to ask her enumerate a list that may cause that, because my conscience tells me exactly when I stand for on the sand. 
President Ezra Taft Benson said, ´´If you are married, avoid flirtations of any kind. Sometimes we hear of a married man going to lunch with his secretary or other women in the office. Men and women who are married sometimes flirt and tease with members of the opposite sex. So-called harmless meetings are arranged, or inordinate amounts of time are spent together. In all of these cases, people rationalize by saying that these are natural expressions of friendship. But what may appear to be harmless teasing or simply having a little fun with someone of the opposite sex can easily lead to more serious involvement and eventual infidelity.´´ Nevertheless, President Benson gave us some questions to identify those red flags, ´´Would my spouse be pleased if he or she knew I was doing this? Would a wife be pleased to know that her husband lunches alone with his secretary? Would a husband be pleased if he saw his wife flirting and being coy with another man?
It is common for those who flittering claim she or he acts like that because he or she lacks of empathy, probably it is where the confusion. Empathy never leads us to harm other; instead this concept helps us to put you in the other shoe. Like Victor Cline states; “Love is presented as a physical thing and nothing more. Movies legitimize adultery, infidelity, and immorality because ‘the physical attraction is so beautiful.’ All they are doing is justifying irresponsibility, telling us that passion overwhelms and justifies all. Well, in my view this is an antisocial message, destructive and Satanic in impact. It degrades love, and it is destructive of human personality and male-female relationships.´´

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