When we act faithfully, we can overcome our selfishness (by B.Gregory)

Recently, I have the opportunity to talk with some young men and women, who I consider intelligent, handsome, beautiful, dedicate in their studies and their job. But, as I pay attention at the beginning of our conversation, I say to me those youngest possess some basics qualities to have their own families; in contrast I also observe during our discussion they prioritize more their wants, instead their needs, for example, having their cars, get enough money in their account, be able to travel to others countries, conclude their studies or mastering in a specific area and get a better employment. After I hear them meticulously, my conception and judgment about their visions increases my curiosity to learn more about what they really want in this life that worth. I just limit to understand what they consider more relevant for them, until I ask them if they are thinking to get married; I am surprising none of them are able to give me an answer that may help me change the misconception I have about them. Marriage is not our priority, said them. To justify their response they talk about infidelity, divorce rate, cohabitation and other, they agree as they have money and can provide for themselves, they can get married when they want, some consider the most important is having their children, while other perceive having any children are optional, but it is not an obligation.
I also discover the images projected in different media about family continue to alter the perception this generation has about what family really is. Family is the most important institution of our society; nevertheless this institution has been attacked by the evil and his servants, until it arrives to confuse those who are called to defend his importance. Today, more and more people consider marriage as an optional institution. While one of the greatest decisions we can take in mortality and eternity may affect our happiness in this life and the life to come. I consider one of my duties is provided support for those who want to have and preserving a faithful family.
President Kimball taught; “We need an unspoiled companion who will not count our wrinkles, remember our stupidities nor remember our weaknesses; … we need a loving companion with whom we have suffered and wept and prayed and worshipped; one with whom we have suffered sorrow and disappointments, one who loves us for what we are or intend to be rather than what we appear to be in our gilded shell.” I think this point mark a hit in this generation about how they perceive marriage.
Our imperfection may contribute enormously in our effort to strength our family. Therefore Dr. Gottman says; ´´How you think about your partner influences how you treat them. By focusing on the positives of your marriage such as the good moments from your past and your partner’s admirable traits, you put positive energy into your relationship.´´ I also recognize the best manner to maintain something good is performed it continuously. I am so grateful about this admonition the Savior made in Luke 14: 28-30 about previous preparation; “For which of you, intending to build a tower (marriage, relationship, family), sitteth not down first and counteth the cost (plan, goals, attributes, values, qualities, talents, mission, vision, objective), whether he have sufficient to finish it? Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation (get married, have a family), and is not able to finish it (divorce, dispute, querel, violence, infidelity), all that behold it begin to mock him (Satan and his servants), Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish.”

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Find joy with your in-laws (by B. Gregory)

More often the secrecy of how we can relate to our in-laws can be a source of tension in any relationship; however, understanding the aspe...