Recognize the woodworm of pride (by B. Gregory)

Professor Bradley Barnett says; ´´I have realized that pride first starts in our own individual hearts and then begins to have influence in our marriage and finally can significantly impact our [Church membership] and other relationship we may have´´ (Cursive added). Personally of all destructive behaviors for the human race without doubt, pride is one that many people understand less and manifest more in their relation. Not because we do not know his manifestations in others and his harmful effect in family, community or politic classes. More often those who affect by this emotional virus tend to refuse or accept that it is so. Nevertheless, when the possessor of this behavior fails in admitting the needs to change or accept his condition, the consequences can create resentment in the victimizer.

In this article I am not going to analyze about the entire manifestations of pride, instead I will expose some of his faces until we understand better how this feeling can harm our life, and those people that we love. Once that two people decide to get marriage or create his own family, it´s because unanimously accepting to be one person. However, over time certain feelings that have been valuable tend to lose their value. Before we get married we make sure to complain the need of that person, while when we get into it is hard to share the whole of you for that person. Through those following points, we can evaluate if we are prideful or not.
ndividualism: One of them is the individualism, I remember at the beginning of my marriage how easier for my wife to use the personal pronoun ´´we´´ while it´s difficult for me to do so. After I mastered in my ´´we´´, my perception about our relation change automatically. Bind our difference to build our whole. Once our view of self is increasing, we become self centered. We tend to perceive not the different point of as something natural, but as a personal attack. Therefore our response to every situation is one of defensiveness because we feel attacked even if we simply disagree over the most minor problems.

Fault-finding: People suffering from the pride syndrome are very susceptible to discovering and looking for the faults of others. They work 24/7 in their production area, because pride wants them innocent than others, a pride filled person has an expertise a finding fault in others, while they deny the beam in their own eyes.

Defiance their spouse influence: Another scaffolding of pride is the impossibility of letting the other be part or influence our lives. When we cling to the principles of humility our capacity to be one increase, we will be more willing to accept the advice of our spouse; therefore as we consider we are better than our spouse, we block all kind influence by them.

Disregard of the commitment of others: The most difficult thing knows that other is not able to satisfy their needs. Pride filler people tend to be possessive, this tendency greatly influences the way they perceive others. We are very cold in front the needs of others, because we do not recognize it. As we are so focused on self that we no longer see the struggles, challenges, hurts, needs and failures of others.

Addiction to attention: Pride filler people requires attention, because we believe to be important than other. We want to be centered of the whole that succeed around us. For example, for prideful spouse if any event like ill, accident or something else affect the other, instead paying attention how to assist the other, a pride filler spouse immediately thinks about how that will be an inconvenience him/her and not their spouse. Their own interests come first and always first.

Never recognize they are wrong: Probably one of the most difficult characteristic of prideful people is recognizing something is wrong. Normally his attitude may characterize for two points; the first one they may not be able to see they are wrong and second they are not willing to admit their error even when they know it is there, they always find a way to justify them.

Incapacity to perceive opposing viewpoints. In Proverb, we read; ´´Don´t be wise in our own opinion´´ but, differently pride makes us thinking as king. However, all who perceives the world differently than us are wrong. Probably it may subtle outside of our marriage. When we oppose or compel our spouse cannot think differently than you, it is a sign of pride. Difference never means not, it may be the unique way to complete what we think.

Lack of spirit of sacrifice and submission. It is easier to perceive that tendency, because they tend acting to our own way. While marriage requires that we sacrifice our individual dreams and desires for the well being of the relationship. It also requires us to differ our decisions to one another in order for the union to embellish. Pride persuades us that sacrifice is down us and docility is irrelevant.

Never asking for help, always expecting for it: Pride filler person tend to overvalue all, which increase the possibility to make us ask for assistance. Even if we can perceive something as our weaknesses, we often think other may see that and do what we expect to them. Other need to see like us even though we don´t say anything about.

Refusal to submit: It could be difficult for a prideful person to recognize her situation may need the intervention of a professional. Nevertheless, prideful couple may consider not important or humble sufficiently to hear wise counsel of a professional, in case we attended counseling, we simply go so our point can be approved.

As we recognize the difference face pride may manifest in our marriage, it could be easier to prepare and face it. Certain small things we can do are learning to say pardon, serve each other without any expectation in return; recognize and apologize when something good is done. Support each other in their goals and challenges. Criticizing less; seek constantly the best way to express love and demonstrate kindness. Those and more characteristics may add while we increase together.
Gottman, John (2015) The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. New York, Harmony

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